Rotovegas 2022

This year our team had a Christmas function that was filled with a wee bit of everything – adrenaline, fun, relaxation, delicious food and a whole lotta laughs! A huge change up compared to last year’s event, and it was such an awesome team bonding experience for everyone.

We started the day bright and early, hitting the road to Rotorua at 7am, with coffees on board from our awesome client Autobahn. Everyone’s schedules during the day looked a bit different, with half the team heading straight to the Polynesian Spring Spa to soak in the natural thermal pools and get one on one massages from the wonderful Polynesian Spring spa.

The other half of our team went to Rotorua Canopy Tours and got kitted up to spend some time in the trees. This activity was such a rewarding and challenging experience as a lot of our team are scared of heights and so it was amazing to see everyone conquer that fear and enjoy themselves while doing it.

The growth, encouragement, and hype from the first zipline to the last was unmatched. The whole team walking away saying it was the highlight of their trip and (majority) agreed they would definitely do it again.

The guides at Rotorua Canopy Tours were amazing, contributing to everyone’s overall enjoyment. They kept us safe and put up with a lot of nervous giggling (alongside a bit of screaming👀🤬).

Once the groups did a swap around and had all finished ziplining and soaking at the spa we headed back to the Novotel and debriefed over the day’s adventures with a glass of wine in hand.

In the evening we got dressed up and went to Atticus Fitch for dinner. It was an ideal way to end the day. We shared some delicious plates, chatted, and reminisced over the year. We also brought up talking points, being; one thing we had learnt about ourselves this year, a work highlight, and a client experience that stuck out to us. It was great to hear about everyone’s highlights and how they found 2022.

We finished the evening with a crowd favourite, the White Elephant present swapping game - definitely recommend looking it up and playing it with your team or family this holiday season as it is always a lot of fun!

Overall, it was such a great weekend for the whole team and worth the investment as a business. Bringing the whole team together, learning more about each other and enjoying each other’s company for a well deserved end of year celebration.

If you are looking for fun culture ideas to incorporate to your team next year, then we are here to give you ideas and advice!


Christmas Party Highlights